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ilk |
This page gives a summary of the various capabilities of ilk. Everytime that an image is preceeded by some text in mono-spaced font, that text can be pasted into a shell in order to regenerate the image. This assumes that ilk, unu, and cjpeg are all in your path, or are aliased.
The "-t" option is the only required one. The input and output default to standard input and standard output, respectively. The options may come in any order. Options my be repeated, but seqsequent appearance override previous ones. You don't build up a transformation in steps with multiple "-t" flags: the single "-t" takes an arbitrary number of transformations after it, as demonstrated later on this page.ilk: (I)mage (L)inear Trans(X-->K)forms. Applies linear (homogenous coordinate) transforms to a given image, using the given kernel for resampling. Usage: ilk [@file ...] [-i <image>] [-0 <origin>] -t <xform0 ...> \ [-k <kernel>] [-min <xMin yMin>] [-max <xMax yMax>] [-b <boundary>] \ [-bg <bg0 bg1 ...>] [-s <xSize ySize>] [-o <filename>] @file ... = response file(s) containing command-line arguments -i <image> = input image; default: "-" -0 <origin> = where to location (0,0) prior to applying transforms. o "u:<float>,<float>" locate origin in a unit box [0,1]x[0,1] which covers the original image o "p:<float>,<float>" locate origin at a particular pixel location, in the index space of the image default: "p:0,0" -t <xform0 ...> = transform(s) to apply to image. Transforms are applied in the order in which they appear. o "identity": no geometric transform, just resampling o "translate:x,y": shift image by vector (x,y), as measured in pixels o "rotate:ang": rotate CCW by ang degrees o "scale:xs,ys": scale by xs in X, and ys in Y o "shear:fix,amnt": shear by amnt, keeping fixed the pixels along a direction <ang> degrees from the X axis o "flip:ang": flip along axis an angle <ang> degrees from the X axis o "a,b,c,d,tx,ty": specify the transform explicitly (1 or more 2D transforms) -k <kernel> = reconstruction kernel; default: "cubic:0,0.5" -min <xMin yMin> = lower bounding corner of output image. Default (by not using this option) is the lower corner of input image. (2 doubles) -max <xMax yMax> = upper bounding corner of output image. Default (by not using this option) is the upper corner of input image. (2 doubles) -b <boundary> = what to do when sampling outside original image. o "bleed": copy values at image border outward o "wrap": do wrap-around on image locations o "pad": use a given background value (via "-bg") default: "bleed" -bg <bg0 bg1 ...> = background color to use with boundary behavior "pad". Defaults to all zeroes. (1 or more floats) -s <xSize ySize> = For each axis, information about how many samples in output: o "x<float>": number of output samples is some scaling of the number input samples; multiplied by <float> o "<int>": specify exact number of samples (2 sampling specifications) default: "x1 x1" -o <filename> = file to write output nrrd to (string); default: "-"
Options which will be used verbatim many times may be entered into a "response file"; when these are indicated on the command line with "@filename", the contents of the file are effectively inserted there on the command line. Within the response file, line breaks count as white space, and comments lines begin with "#".
unu resample -i huysumcrop.ppm -s = x0.6 x0.6 -o init.ppm cjpeg -quality 99 init.ppm > init.jpg
The output of ilk is a NRRD file, but it will have the same dimension and type as the input 8-bit color image, which means it can be converted to a PPM file (really just changing the header), and then saved as a JPEG, with the following sequence:
Because this will be used so often, I'll create an alias for it:... | unu save -f pnm | cjpeg -quality 99 out.jpg
HOWEVER, the thing to keep in mind as you read this page, is that ilk will happily process any 3D NRRD file; it will just take the number of samples along the fastest axis as the number of components/channels associated with each pixel. This means that ilk is good for operating on spectral image data, as well doing axis-aligned operations on 3D scalar fields.alias tojpg "unu save -f pnm | cjpeg -quality 99"
When describing angles, the units are always degrees, and "0" means parallel with the X axis, "90" means parallel with the Y axis, with angles increasing counter-clockwise.(0,0) -----------> X | | | v Y
There are two ways of specifying the origin to ilk: