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  ilk: Kernel choice

Kernel choice and resampling quality

Notice that in the demonstration of rotation combined with down-scaling, the "cubic:1,0" kernel was specified. This is not an interpolating kernel; it blurs. All the other examples use the default "cubic:0,0.5", an interpolating kernel called the Catmull-Rom kernel. Here are the available kernels: ilk is not very good about properly handling downsampling. Ideally, the kernel would eliminate the frequencies higher than the Nyquist rate associated with the new, lower sampling rate. Intelligent scaling of the resampling kernel is done by unu resample, but ilk does not do this. Its up to you do choose an amount of blurring associated with the new sampling rate. All the kernels can take an extra argument which precedes all the others, which gives a stretch factor: 1 = interpolation, 2 = stretched out by a factor of two, and half as tall.
echo "-i init.ppm -b wrap -t scale:0.33,0.33 rotate:5" > kdemo.txt
ilk @kdemo.txt -k cubic:0,0.5 | tojpg > k1.jpg
ilk @kdemo.txt -k cubic:3,0,0.5 | tojpg > k2.jpg
Looking at the thin plant stems and other small features in the upper image, aliasing is visible; each copy of a small feature looks different. In the lower one, this is not so much the case.

However, you can't (currently) control the kernel width with ilk in a directionally varying manner, as would be necessary to properly sample this:

ilk @kdemo.txt shear:0,2 -k cubic:3,0,0.5 | tojpg > k3.jpg

Do not be tempted to use ilk as a tool for doing Gaussian blurring of images, when no non-axis-aligned transform is required. This command:

ilk -i init.ppm -t identity -k gauss:3,4 | tojpg > blur.jpg
will produce the same as:
unu resample -i init.ppm -k gauss:3,4 -s = x1 x1 | tojpg > blur.jpg
but unu resample is about thirty times faster, for a variety of reasons relating to how unu resample orders the kernel evaluation and convolution steps. Also, unu resample does a renormalization step to compensate for filters which are not first-order accurate, a step which would slow ilk down too much.