--------- teem 1.10 priority fix all "dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules" warnings on a modern linux system Make sure the CMake and GNUMake agree on source files per-library decide if _EXPORT should just be TEEM_EXPORT --------- for after teem 1.10 Fix the "unu dist" segfault that I discovered awhile ago (I can provide the input file that triggers this) Fix the marching-cubes tables in seek; there's some evidence of a bug uncovered by the anisotropy crease research --------- teem 1.9 cut-off for cmake: - get some basic tests working (if only nrrdSanity) - build pv on windows - see if wild-card expansion works as expected on windows - make cmd-line utilities link with static libs [portable54-250:~/d/parepi/6] gk% tend estim -new -sigma 0.01 -est wls -i 6crop-dwi.nrrd \ -B kvp -knownB0 false -t 250 -o tmp.nrrd 0.0%tend estim: trouble doing estimation: [ten] tenEstimate1TensorVolume4D: failed at sample 40 [ten] tenEstimate1TensorSingle_d: [ten] _tenEstimate1TensorSingle: estimation failed [ten] _tenEstimate1Tensor_WLS: trying to improve on first WLS [ten] _tenEstimate1TensorSimulateSingle gage: re-modularize to facilitate probing bricked data nrrd: look into Pade approximations for windowed sinc() kernels make system really botched: change the size of the tenFiberContext (added a field or two), do a make ten/install, then cd ../push; rm -f test/pusher make install; make; and you'll STILL get memory errors due to seeing library/object files which use the older context size. Do a top-level make clobber, and then things work. This is crap. I think the problem is that development object files of push were not recompiled when they should have been- doing a make clobber; make in push solved the problem... (noted earlier:) - HUGE PROBLEM: change limn.h, cd ../ten, make, nothing to be done WRONG - HUGE PROBLEM: make a change in nrrdEnums.h, which unrrdu/project.c uses directly. recompile, and nrrd gets compiled, but not unrrdu, so unu doesn't get updated correctly! - HUGE PROBLEM: add a macro in ELL, make install in ell, cd limn, make ../limn/test/tiso, doesn't see new header and fails at link-time with " symbol undefined" - want seperate directories for static and shared libraries - want bin/dev and bin/install targets unu: jhisto works with axis[0] elements when given a single nrrd nrrd: add fft support nrrd: add support for VFF file format nrrd: add support for NIFTI-1 file format air: make airOneLine return number of bytes read; current return of string length is entirely redundant with return of strlen() and then enable the ftell() check after PNG magic read nrrd: generalize I/O so that magic needn't be on line by itself bin/unu: valgrid parsing of encoding stuff fix "gkms pvg": try to reproduce problem with mouse data qbert: downsmpl x+y, upsmplpad on Z error about unequal centers qbert on cygwin: running out of memory w/out error tend epireg: figure out how to do fitting without HST estimation mite big changes ----------------- - do precomputation of opacity volume when required for tensor shading gage changes into bane: teem\src\bane\hvol.c(167) : warning C4700: local variable 'hist' used without having been initialized - try gkms hvol with three explicit ranges - remove excess NULL pointer checks between answer and answer wrapper - valgrind finish big changes - ADD gkms back into teem bins! ell: debug SVD of things based on negative eigenvalues - add flag to say: always positive sv's, or always right-handed rotations leaf: do it DESTROY the airType* enum! I wasted quite awhile debugging a problem caused by: if (nrrdAlloc(nout, airTypeFloat, 3, size[0], size[1], size[2])) { ... Do you see the problem? Grrr. PLEASE figure out why I can't say -t "unsigned char" to unu make, unu convert and the like. Does it have to do with airStrtokQuoting? Why not? I hate this crap. debug rendering of ML with windowed sinc hest: add { } commenting nrrd: have to add more internal types to stuff in arith.c for these: new nrrdBinaryOps: bit-wise and (&), or (|), xor (^) new nrrdUnaryOps: bit-wise not (^), expm1 SEGFAULT: in muse/usr/sci/data/Medical/cat-array/bisti/rend gkms hvol -s a:-1200,6000 a:0,3100 a:-1000,1000 -i CFC.nrrd -o CFC-hvol.nrrd nrrd: speed up nrrdCCFind bane: finish updating tutorial dye: see if dyeColorParse should allocate the thing and return it FAQ on teem coding standards Banks's policy.txt: - documenting cross-code assumptions and dependencies image registration tool for small translational errors air: make floating point stuff more like C++: lots of per-arch #defines echo: test textured lights bin/emap: allow generating envmaps useful for specular highlights mite: add diffuse and specular envmap make: figure out shared libraries on cygwin. make: Test that shared libraries work everywhere they should. limn: make it smarter- so that joining parts together is possible in a way that facilitates transformations and correct drawing. This really requires general data structures for 2-D graphics primatives... unrrdu: standardize hest framework for doing unu/gkms/tend style programs dye: colormaps dye: hest callbacks air: think about implementing a fabs() and dabs() with bitmasking nrrd: figure out some framework for lazy evaluation stuff write a paper about nrrd! include a list of published papers using teem: Kindlmann: Superquadric Tensor Glyphs Kindlmann Vis03: Curvature-Based Transfer Functions Lefohn Vis03: Interactive Deformation and Visualization of Level Set Surfaces Using Graphics Hardware Lefohn TVCG July/August 04: A Streaming Narrow-Band Algorithm: Interactive Computation and Visualization of Level Sets Kniss VisSym04: Medical Applications of Multi-field Volume Rendering and VR Techniques Deschamps TVCG04: Fast Evolution of Image Manifolds and Application to Filtering and Segmentation in 3D Medical Images ikits Vis03: A Constraint-based Technique for Haptic Volume Exploration fout Eurovis 05: High-Quality Rendering of Compressed Volume Data Formats callahan TVCG May/June 05: Hardware-Assisted Visibility Sorting for Unstructured Volume Rendering jorik blaas vis05 fiber paper