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  Example NRRD files

This page demonstrates some of the different possible NRRD headers. Reading through this will give some idea of what kind of data NRRD is good at representing, but this isn't a complete indication of all the possibilities in the format. See the file format definition for all the details. The simplest way to learn about making (simple) headers is by running the unu program as: "unu make". This will print complete usage information for the different command-line arguments. "unu make -h" is the easiest way to start making detached header files for existing data.

Gray-scale image

Here's an 8-bit small image in PGM format. The same data can be put NRRD format. The header looks like this:
type: unsigned char
dimension: 2
sizes: 128 128
encoding: raw

This is the minimalist header for 2-dimensional data. Every NRRD file starts with the magic "NRRD0001" to unambiguously identify the file as a NRRD file, for NRRD readers, as well as any other readers that have to handle multiple formats. In this case, the dimension field says that this is two-dimensional data, and the sizes field is saying that the array has 128 samples along both its axes.

If we wanted to create a NRRD header which referred to the PGM image, but didn't contain any data itself, we could write this, which is the entire detached header:

type: unsigned char
dimension: 2
sizes: 128 128
encoding: raw
data file: ./fool.pgm
line skip: 3
Assuming that fool.pgm is in the same directory as this header file, the detached header is as good as fool.nrrd, usable from any other working directory.

With either detached or attached headers, its easy to add comments to the header. They start with "#" and go to the line termination, and can be anywhere after the magic:

content: freshman year foolishness in Risley Hall
type: unsigned char
dimension: 2
# the original size was much larger
sizes: 128 128
encoding: raw
data file: ./fool.pgm
# this skips past the PPM header, more lines would have to be
# skipped if there where comments in the PPM file itself.
line skip: 3
The content field is effectively a comment, but is intended to serve as a concise textual description of the contents of the NRRD file.

But so far this has just been an exercise to demonstrate the NRRD header. For data that can be stored in a PPM or PGM image, you might as well use PGM and PPM images, since the nrrd library can natively read and write PGM and PPM images with the exact same nrrdLoad() and nrrdSave() library calls as for NRRD files.

If the type of the data is 32-bit float instead of unsigned char, then byte ordering (endianness) information is required in the header: foolf.nrrd

type: float
dimension: 2
sizes: 128 128
endian: big
encoding: raw

raw data ... data ...
If this had been written in a linux, cygwin, or windows box, the endian line would instead say "endian: little". NRRD readers know how to read either byte ordering, and no particular byte ordering is favored in the NRRD format. Other possible types include "int", "short", and "double".

Color image

Because NRRD adopts the simple philosophy that "everything is a scalar", a color image (also available in PPM format) is actually a 3-dimensional array, with a short 3-sample-long axis preceeding the spatial axes (foolc.nrrd):
type: unsigned char
dimension: 3
sizes: 3 128 128
encoding: raw

X[JXYIWXFWXIXYIWVFV ... data ... data ...
In NRRD, whenever a field is giving information about each and every field (called "per-axis field"), the ordering of the axes is always fastest to slowest.

Nearly all the field identifiers and descriptors are case-insensitive. The header above could just as well be:

SIZES: 3 128 128

X[JXYIWXFWXIXYIWVFV ... data ... data ...

Except for the fact that the per-axis fields must follow the dimension field, the fields can appear in any order. Also, some of the fields, (such as type) admit alternatives, so this is valid and equivalent:

dimension: 3
encoding: raw
sizes: 3 128 128
type: uchar

X[JXYIWXFWXIXYIWVFV ... data ... data ...

Scalar volume data has a number of volume datasets, all of them gzip-compressed raw unsigned chars. Because NRRD can handle various encodings, including gzip and bzip2 compression, it is easy to make a detached header for these volumes, without ever having to uncompress them.

For instance, here's a header for aneurism.raw.gz. If your web browser decides to be helpful and uncompress the file as part of downloading, then use snarf to get the URL directly.

content: aneurism
# Courtesy of Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany
dimension: 3
type: uchar
sizes: 256 256 256
spacings: 1 1 1
data file: ./aneurism.raw.gz
encoding: gzip
Except for the comment noting the original source of the data, a functionally identical header can be generated with one invocation of unu make -h:
unu make -h -i ./aneurism.raw.gz -t uchar -s 256 256 256 -sp 1 1 1 \
-c aneurism -e gzip -o aneur.nhdr
We record spacings for this dataset because unlike the previous examples, we know that information with certainty now. NRRD never forces you to represent information you don't actually know. The encoding field is what identifies this as gzip compressed data. This is fully inter-operable with the command-line gzip/gunzip tools. In this case, compression allows the dataset to be fifty times smaller, and the ability to leave data compressed is very conveniant.

If we save the header above to a file aneurism.nhdr, in the same directory as the aneurism.raw.gz file, then we're done. We can immediately start using unu, for instance, to start inspecting the data:

unu project -i aneurism.nhdr -a 0 -m max -o an-max.pgm
unu project -i aneurism.nhdr -a 0 -m variance | unu gamma -g 4 \
| unu quantize -b 8 -o an-var.pgm

Univariate histograms

Histograms, joint histograms, and scatterplots are all raster data, just like images, so NRRD can represents them as well. The histogram of the aneurysm dataset, for instance, is a 1-D nrrd:
unu histo -i aneurism.nhdr -b 256 | unu save -f nrrd -e ascii -o an-hist.nrrd

content: histo(aneurism,256)
type: unsigned int
dimension: 1
sizes: 256
axis mins: 0
axis maxs: 255
centers: cell
labels: "histo(aneurism,256)"
encoding: ascii

The axis mins and axis maxs fields are used to represent the range of values which were mapped to the lowest and highest bins of the histogram. Because the bins of the histogram are necessarily cell-centered, this is recorded via the centers field. unu also tries to generate a consise verbal description of the data it produces, based on the content field of the input. In this case, the new content was also used in the labels field, which allows arbitrary strings to be associated with each axis.