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teem / mite

  Basic miter demo

This page shows an example of how to use the miter volume renderer. The datasets being rendered, sph.nrrd and pin.nrrd were created with unu, as demonstrated here. We'll go through the six kinds of information that miter needs, to build up the commands that will generate renderings.
  1. Volume input, image output
  2. Camera and image information This is an example of a hest response file.
  3. Lighting and surface properties The light direction (ld) above and to the right of the viewer, like an offset head-light.
  4. Kernels used in filtered sampling This uses the B-spline for value reconstruction, and its derivatives for derivative measurement.
  5. Ray and compositing parameters The axis aligned rays will sample the volume about 2/0.008 = 250 times, which should be good for a 643 volume.
  6. Transfer functions We have to do a bit of unu hacking to generate the transfer function:
    echo "0 1" \
     | unu reshape -s 1 2 \
     | unu resample -s = 1024 -k tent -c node \
     | unu save -f text -o ramp.txt
    echo "-1.0 0.0   -0.8 0.0    0.8 1.0    1.0 1.0" \
     | unu reshape -s 2 4 \
     | unu imap -i ramp.txt -r -m - \
     | unu axinfo -a 0 -l "A" \
     | unu axinfo -a 1 -l "gage(scalar:v)" -mm -1.0 1.0 -o val-txf.nrrd
    rm -f ramp.txt
    The first command created a 1024 line file ramp.txt containing the values linearly increasing from 0.0 to 1.0. This was fed into the unu imap with control points implementing a step function, and then unu axinfo sets up the axis information so that mite can use the nrrd as a transfer function. Now we can tell miter:
Putting it all together, we have:
miter -i sph.nrrd -o sph-rend.nrrd @cam.txt \
  -ld 0.3 -1 -2.2 -am 1 1 1 -ads 0.0 0.7 0.3 -sp 70 \
  -k00 cubic:1,0 -k11 cubicd:1,0 -k22 cubicdd:1,0 \
  -step 0.008 -ref 0.01 -nt 30 -n1 0.99 \
  -txf val-txf.nrrd

overrgb -i sph-rend.nrrd -g 1.4 -b 0.2 0.3 0.4 -o sph-blu.png
overrgb -i sph-rend.nrrd -g 1.4 -b 0.7 0.3 0.2 -o sph-red.png

miter -i pin.nrrd -o pin-rend.nrrd @cam.txt \
  -ld 0.3 -1 -2.2 -am 1 1 1 -ads 0.0 0.7 0.3 -sp 70 \
  -k00 cubic:1,0 -k11 cubicd:1,0 -k22 cubicdd:1,0 \
  -step 0.008 -ref 0.01 -nt 30 -n1 0.99 \
  -txf val-txf.nrrd

overrgb -i pin-rend.nrrd -g 1.4 -b 0.2 0.3 0.4 -o pin-blu.png
overrgb -i pin-rend.nrrd -g 1.4 -b 0.7 0.3 0.2 -o pin-red.png
sphere, red sphere, blue
sph-red.png sph-blu.png
pin, red pin, blue
pin-red.png pin-blu.png

A transcript of all the commands on this page is also available: rend-sph-pin.txt. You can run all the commands by simply saying "source rend-sph-pin.txt" inside any useful shell.